My step father was an old cowboy hippie. He worked on a ranch in Montana, served in Viet Nam, organized a commune in Mendocino, partied with Janis Joplin and Jerry Garcia, ran guns, grew pot, and once pulled a gun on Charles Manson. He was a colorful individual. When he took up with my mom, I got a whole new education in guns and knives. I already had a swiss army knife and my old boy scout knife, but he thought I needed a buck knife. He thought Buck Knives were the only folders for a real cowboy. I remember freaking my aunt out one thanksgiving. We had just sat down, and she looked around and said "Michael, do you have a steak knife? I'm out of steak knives." I said, "I've got a knife." She said "oh, good!" Then I pulled out my Buck Knife 309 Companion and she was mortified. "Oh, Michael!" she said, "Not a pocket knife! You can't eat with a pocket knife!" I responded "but I do at home!" Dinner at our house in ...
Tall tales and good gear.